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Analysis: How new labelling rules will impact wine

Published:  18 March, 2024

Jo Gilbert clears up some of the confusion surrounding importer labels and FBOs, while looking ahead to other labelling changes in the pipeline.


Labelling challenge to wine

Published:  20 November, 2023

As part of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, the largest modification to wine labelling in the EU in over a century comes into effect next month, forcing producers to embrace new technology, writes Jo Gilbert.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Will 2024 mark the end of the UK wine trade as we know it?

Published:  26 October, 2023

I realise that is a pretty dramatic title. But none of us should underestimate the game changing potential of the changes the UK government intends to introduce around wine beginning in early 2024.


Fears grow for watered-down wine following Defra reforms

Published:  18 October, 2023

In what the government describes as a Brexit benefit, imported wine will soon have the option to be blended, carbonated, sweetened, and de-alcoholised in-market.